Fit and Healthy with No Money

By Preston Sonntag

Protein sales and prices are on the rise and our bank accounts are draining. Protein the most popular of many different fitness supplements along with daily vitamins are the “must haves” of the fitness world. To stay in great shape supplement companies would have you believe that you need expensive products when really you can get the same health benefits from natural and inexpensive means.

Protein vs Natural Foods
Protein can be found naturally and is less expensive than artificial diet supplements. “The health benefits of chicken include its good supply of protein content, the supply of essential vitamins and minerals, benefits in losing weight, cholesterol control, blood pressure control, and a reduced risk of cancer”. Chicken has all the benefits of protein and also many of the health benefits of a daily vitamin.

Show Me the Money
When comparing protein content using money as the common denominator we get a much different picture. (Figure 2). Per dollar spent you receive almost six times the amount of protein and many more vitamins and minerals. Much more value for your dollar.

Figure 2

You do not need to pay for a gym membership or a personal trainer to get in shape. Gym memberships can range from 10 dollars a month to 50 dollars a month. There are of course more expensive options for both. If you are looking to save money but stay in shape you do not need to pay for either.

You don’t need lots of money to get into fitness.

By simply buying the right types of foods you can save money instead of buying lots of health supplements. Do not overspend on a gym or equipment. The world is your gym and fitness comes from trying rather than where you actually go. Find good gym friends and work together to save money but live a healthy life style.
1. Rushlow, A., 2016. The Best Whey Protein Powder for You. Men’s Health. [Accessed April 10, 2017].
2. Gunnars, K., 2016. How Protein Can Help You Lose Weight Naturally. Authority Nutrition. Bengamin, G., Search Results. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. [Accessed April 10, 2017].
3. Horton, T., 2017. The best ever. Beachbody. [Accessed April 10, 2017].

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